BC Place Community Benefit Program

Held by PavCo and BC Place in partnership with FBBC and GVFB
Lettuce $100 Raised $100
Apple $500 Raised $500
Orange $1,000 Raised $1000
Milk $5,000 Raised $5000
Eggs $10,000 Raised $10000+
$26,038.00 Raised
  • Donate


Support for Greater Vancouver Food Bank and Food Banks BC

PavCo and the BC Place Community Benefit Program are honoured to support the Greater Vancouver Food Bank and Food Banks BC by kindly asking the guests of our stadium to donate to those in need.

Your generous donations will be divided equally between the Greater Vancouver Food Bank and Food Banks BC, who will ensure funds and resources go to those most in need across our province.

We sincerely appreciate your consideration and generosity, especially at a critical time when the demand for food banks has never been greater.  

About PavCo and the BC Place Community Benefit Program

BC Pavilion Corporation (PavCo) is a provincial Crown corporation that owns and operates BC Place and the Vancouver Convention Centre, both of which play pivotal roles in hosting a wide array of events in downtown Vancouver and generating economic and community benefits for the people of BC.

The BC Place Community Benefit Program aims to empower BC registered charities by leveraging the stadium’s unique assets and access to premier events. The BC Place Community Benefit Program aligns with PavCo’s mandate of generating community benefit for British Columbians, reinforcing its role as a catalyst for positive change and social impact.