BMSS Student Leadership Class

Held by Burnaby Mountain Secondary School
Lettuce $100 Raised $100
Apple $500 Raised $500
Orange $1,000 Raised $1000
$1,233.08 Raised
  • Donate

Fundraiser Donors

  1. Anonymous
  2. Jacqueline Duff
  3. Michele and Charles (grade 12)
  4. angela bucher
  5. Alex and Viv -Grade 11
  6. Tricia Pederson
  7. Brenda Lohrenz
  8. Brenda Gunderson
  9. Anonymous
  10. Maxom- Wiebes
  11. Gus Hall - Grade 10
  12. Helanna Procyshyn
  13. Anonymous
  14. Naldy Miroshensky
  15. Selena Yip
  16. Grade 8 student
  17. Corinne Armstrong
  18. Anonymous
  19. Michelle Van Balkom
  20. Matias Acevedo
  21. Anonymous


Hi BMSS Families!

Our Student Leadership class is fundraising in support of the Greater Vancouver Food Bank as this is a cause we feel is very important, especially at this time of year. We know that food insecurity affects many families, and we want to ensure that people in our community are fed well during the holiday season.

At our school, from Monday December 9th to Thursday December 12th, the junior students (grades 8-10) will go up against the senior students (grades 11 and 12) to see which group can raise the most money for the Food Bank. Collection will occur at lunch time for those four days.

Please consider making a donation on behalf of your family to help boost the total we fundraise for this important cause. Thank you for your support of this initiative!